Monday, November 3, 2008
A website tool for the Neighbors of Marsh Oaks
Managed an maintained by a member of the board of directors for the homeowner's association, the site posts upcoming events such as the Tweenager Costume Party of the "tea" for the Marymount homeowners. Another cool facet of the website is the resident directory. Homeowners fill in information about themselves, enabling their neighbors to learn a bit more about the families that live in Marsh Oaks. From the resident directory we are able to email notices that affect homeowners in Marsh Oaks. For example, if the neighborhood swimming pool needs to close unexpectantly a message may be sent informing the resident of the specifics.
Homeowners may also access past issues of the Marsh Oaks Monitor, the neighborhood newsletter as well as view copies of the HOA meeting minutes.
Along with a ton of other neat features, homeowners can upload photos to share with their neighbors, allowing everyone to feel as if they are part of the Marsh Oaks family.
To learn how you might become part of the Marsh Oaks family call or stop by today!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
HBO Pilot, Eastbound & Down Films in Marsh Oaks
Executive Producer Will Ferrell has been working hard with Screen Gem Studios in Wilmington, NC shooting the HBO pilot "Eastbound & Down". This week they have chosen Marsh Oaks to shoot. The series, set to air in 2009 is about a major league ballplayer who gets burnt out in the league and returns home to become a phys ed teacher.
Marsh Oaks has welcomed the large cast and crew with open arms, opening the clubhouse for the logistics and one of the neighborhood homes for filming.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Money Matters....
MR: Martin, as an expert in your field, how would you define our times?
MB: We are in the grips of historic volatility in the financial markets. There have been large swings in stock prices as well as rates. Unfortunately, I don’t see it ending for some time. A common question we continue to get is why rates are going up when the stock market is going down. A down stock market has historically pointed to lower rates but the game is different.
MR: How so?
MB: A guarantee of bank debt is a safe haven for investors in lieu of mortgage backed securities. Not good for rates.
The government is issuing large sums of treasury debt in order to raise the cash necessary to inject into the financial institutions and support the overall $700 bailout plan (not good for mortgage bonds)
Overall risk in mortgage backed securities remains high even with the explicit guarantee of the Federal Government because the underlying asset could still be depreciating. With the new options of essentially “risk-free” debt why take a chance.
Some large market makers in mortgage backed securities (Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns) are gone so there are fewer buyers and a smaller market. Remember when the price of a bond goes down the yield (rate) goes up.
MR: So, when do you see rates stabilizing?
MB: When the market establishes a firm floor and the fundamentals return, we should see a more stable rate environment and one that is lower than current levels.
MR: Any time soon?
MB: We are already seeing some positive improvement with rates. That’s not to say we won’t continue to see them jump around but the trend is positive for now.
MR: Should buyers hold out for the stabilization? Or should they purchase while the selection is good and rates are still relatively low?
MB: Rates are still very low on a historic basis. I would encourage buyers to budget off of the current levels rather than hold out for rates we saw in years past. Take advantage of the incentives and selection while they still last.
For more information on mortgages or the market in general, feel free to contact Martin directly at or 910.256.7773
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Marsh Oaks Newsletter
Be sure to call today for questions on how you might become our newest neighbor in Marsh Oaks!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tennis Anyone?

Marsh Oaks tennis courts have gotten the go ahead for some renovations. Recently, the Marsh Oaks Homeowners Association board voted to have the courts resurfaced and the nets replaced. The exciting news is that the courts will have new look that is in line with the US Open with blue paint instead of the green they now have!
Two points to note - (a) the resurfacing and maintenance of the courts will be paid for entirely through the reserves in the HOA budget. The Marsh Oaks reserves are fully funded, which is not a common attribute of most HOA's, and (b) the Marsh Oaks homeowners care about their amenities. Twelve years strong and the movement to get our amenities in pristine repair is evident as witnessed by this action and the recent renovation of the clubhouse.
Keep your eye out for the upcoming tennis leagues and round robin games organized by our neighbors who enjoy a game of tennis!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Money Matters....
Over the past four to five weeks it has been hard to find any good news to talk about. The stock market has ventured into un-chartered territory but if we look at the current mortgage rate environment there is a small silver lining. We continue to see volatility which feeds anxiety but looking at the rate trend over the past three months (chart below) the market is better now than back in the July/August timeframe. There have been some guidelines tighten which will continue but overall money is available at very affordable rates. Engage a mortgage professional as early in the process as possible so surprises can be mitigated. Please utilize us to help answer questions and clear up some of the confusion that is present in the market.
Suggested reading: “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. Considering the times that we find ourselves in this is a great book to read. It deals with one’s frame of mind and how it plays into success.
Intracoastal Mortgage Co.
534-A Causeway Drive
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480
910.256.7773 o
910.256.0443 f
910.264.1208 c
Monday, October 13, 2008
I Got Boo-ed!
If you aren't familiar with the "Boo" game, it goes something like this: You are sitting in your home after dark and hear the doorbell ring. When you answer the doorbell you notice there is no one waiting to greet you - just a pumpkin filled with goodies for your family. The pumpkin includes a note of instruction telling you that you must post the "boo" on your door for other neighbors to see, and, within a day, deliver two more "boos" to your neighbors. As you are driving the streets of Marsh Oaks you'll spot all the "boo" notices - seems that no one gets left out.
Our "boo" this year included a ton of candy, some halloween cups with pumpkin straws, and some party napkins. I'm not going to divulge what our return "boos" contained, lest the reader recognize their "boo-er", but I can tell you that if they listened hard enough they may have heard my daughter giggling around the corner!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Marsh Oaks Clubhouse

The recent renovations saw that the carpet was replaced with hardwoods, and new furniture

The large clubhouse with it's wrap around porches offers the perfect venue for parties and gatherings of all types including wedding and baby showers, wedding parties, and neighborhood parties such as the Marsh Oaks Day cocktail party.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Market Update in Marsh Oaks
Within the last thirty days of this post, 4 homes in Marsh Oaks have been put under contract, one was on the market less than 30 days, and one was put under contract before it even hit the multiple listing service.
In the last thirty days, 3 homes have closed in Marsh Oaks. One of those homes was a pre-sale, and another sold for 107.75% of asking price! The average percent of sale price to list price in September was 101.8% .
In the SaltGrass section of Marsh Oaks, we are sold out of standing inventory (don't worry, new construction should be done in 6 months!)
If you are looking for a home that will hold it's value, as well as provide a great neighborhood atmosphere, you really should check out Marsh Oaks!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Marsh Oaks Celebrates 2nd Annual Marsh Oaks Day

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Choosing Responsibility
In Marsh Oaks, we cherish the children that reside here. We delight in watching t

Please take the time to answer our poll so your voice can be heard!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Neighborhood Block Party

Monday, April 28, 2008
Mid-Parade of Homes Update

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Noble Middle School Band Wins Big
The band was very proud of themselves, as they should be. They began practicing their music in January, had a guest clinician come in to critique their rehearsal, and even recorded themselves for self-evaluation.
Many members of the band are Marsh Oaks residents. Way to go Noble Eagles Band!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Money Talks...
Since we are talking about housing/real estate the old addage of location, location, location is true. Our wonderful area has not been affected as other areas of the country have. Most North Carolina cities are showing growth in home sales and in appreciation and certainly the Wilmington area is one of those "survivor" cities. I have been in the mortgage profession 28 years and I don't believe there has been a better time to purchase a new home. We have an inventory of homes that offers a good selection. Builders such as the builders in Marsh Oaks are offering great incentives. Interest rates are still at record low levels, recently as low as 5% for a 30 year fixed rate.
If you are thinking about a new home, now is the time. Don't wait until interest rates and home prices go up.
Lumina Mortgage Company
219 Racine Dr., Suite A
Wilmington, NC 28403
910-202-8225 Direct
910-452-0997 Fax
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
When in Doubt, Throw it Out!

To answer those questions I turned to Mary Virginia Freeman. Mary Virginia recently joined the Hagood Homes staff as their design coordinator. Among other accolades, she has many years experience in the real estate field in an upscale resort area in South Carolina.
For the next several weeks we will bring you a series "Staging a Home For Sale".
It's a fact: over 83% of the "stuff" in our homes is completely unnecessary for sustaining life. For those of you who are collectors of stuffed bears or ceramic giraffes or books or record albums or basseball caps or whatever your passion, your percentage is probably closer to 97%. Remember the old saying, "your collections are junk and my collections are treasures"? collections tend to make a home look cluttered and rooms appear small.